Experts in financial services technologyWe help our clients make better decisions about technology through our research, advisory, and consulting services.
Sound advice based on independent researchWe provide insight into the technological forces shaping the financial services industry.
A global outlookStrategically placed in financial markets around the world, our analysts provide our Clients with a global (and local) perspective.
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Our latest insights
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Phone (or email) a friend. On tap advice and support provided by our analysts.
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- Vendor selection We provide insight, assistance, and project management skills to all phases of the selection process, and save you an average of nine weeks in the process.
We host a number of in-person events throughout the year including roundtables, briefings, and our showcase event, Innovation & Insight Day.
Upcoming events
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Every year, we recognize excellence in the usage of technology through our Model Insurer, Model Bank, Model Wealth Manager and Model Risk Manager Awards.
Read about the latest news from Celent and press coverage.
Our latest news
20 November 2023Celent Announces New Senior Analyst Marty Ellingsworth Ellingsworth to Focus on NextGen Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
蓝色的灯专业版安卓AsianBankingFinance: Digital financial services in Japan What digital consumers want
3 July 2023Financial Brand: Banking in 5G: Why Financial Marketers Should Care (Now)
蓝色的灯专业版安卓The Banker: Putting the core into the cloud
26 June 2023American Banker: Why BofA is making it easier to use other companies' mobile wallets
25 June 2023Digital Insurance: Governing and designing digital initiatives in insurance
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